IP range details

AS27653  ·  Alpha Communications Network

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Country Haiti
Domain acn.ht
ASN AS27653
Registry lacnic
Hosted IPs 256

WHOIS Details

status:      reallocated
aut-num:     N/A
owner:       TG Mobile data
ownerid:     HT-TMDA12-LACNIC
responsible: TG Mobile data
address:     Angle Ave Jean-Paul II et Imp. Duverger, Turgeau, 151, 
address:      - Port Au Prince - 
country:     HT
phone:       +509  37777777
owner-c:     PSA
tech-c:      PSA
abuse-c:     PSA
nserver:     DNSWMHT01.ACN.HT
nsstat:      20221021 AA
nslastaa:    20221021
nserver:     DNSWMHT02.ACN.HT
nsstat:      20221021 AA
nslastaa:    20221021
created:     20190912
changed:     20190912

nic-hdl:     PSA
person:      Jackson Josaphat / Sneide Alexandre
e-mail:      hai_ip_team@digicelgroup.com
address:     Ave Jean Paul II & Imp Duverger, 151, -
address:     00043 - Port-au-Prince - 
country:     HT
phone:       +509  50937007823 [0000]
created:     20040803
changed:     20221017

Hosted domains

There is 1 domain name hosted across 1 IP address on this ASN. Checkout our API to access full domain hosting information.

IP Address Domain Domains on this IP dawovodou.com 1

Hosted domains API

Our Hosted Domains API, or Reverse IP API returns a full list of domains that are hosted on a single IP address.
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IP addresses in this range

What are IP address ranges?

IP address ranges, or netblocks, are groups of related IP addresses. They are usually represented as a base IP address, followed by a slash, and then a netmask which represents how many IP addresses are contained within the netblock. This format is known as CIDR. You'll also sometimes see netblocks given as a start ip address, and an end ip address, or an ip address range.

Traffic works its way around the internet based on the routing table, which contains a list of networks and their associated netblocks.

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