IPinfo - Comprehensive IP address data, IP geolocation API and database My IP ↗or

IP Address Database Downloads

Our Database Downloads provide instant access to our IP address insights. Leverage raw IP datasets, customize your data feeds, and choose your ideal format with Database Downloads.

Or learn about our Free IP Data Downloads →

Customizable fieldsAll data sets
Daily updatesCSV, JSON or MMDB
Combine datasetsAccurate data

Accurate and
adaptable data retrieval

Choose your download schedule

We refresh our database every 24 hours. Download our data as often as every day for the freshest insights.

Select your ideal format

We support CSV, JSON, MMDB, and XML. Plus, we’re happy to support any popular format if you have a requirement.

Customize your data feed

We help combine datasets from multiple sources into one unified feed. From anonymous data sources to IP ranges, choose what datasets you view together.

Custom database download subscriptions

For complex business needs

Choose and combine any datasets

  • IP to Geolocation database
  • ASN database
  • Privacy Detection database
  • Company database
  • Abuse Contact database
  • IP Ranges database (Country)
  • IP to Mobile Carrier database
  • IP Whois Database
  • Hosted Domains database
  • Residential Proxy database
Andrew Morris

“We needed to further contextualize Internet scanners, crawlers, and bots. Origin networks, data centers, ASNs, and countries are a huge component of that. We were looking for a faster, more developer-friendly alternative to existing geo-IP providers. A close friend of mine hit the IPinfo API with cURL, and I saw all the information we needed.”

Andrew Morris — Founder & Chief Architect, Greynoise

IP geolocation database

Easily look up billions of IP geolocation data at one time with the IP geolocation database download. Use these downloads to improve website optimization, enrich your data, gather threat intelligence, identify new leads, and more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, city, region, country, lat, lng, postal, timezone
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875 MB

JSON filesize






last updated

ASN database

Easily map billions of IPs to ASN details with the ASN database. Use these downloads to enrich your data, gather contextualized information to determine cyber risks, make inferences about users’ internet connection speeds, and more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, asn, domain, name, type
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63.04 MB

MMDB filesize






last updated

IP to company database

Instantly access billions of IP to company insights with this data download. Use this information to turn anonymous website traffic into valuable leads, customize website experiences, enrich existing data, and much more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, name, domain, type, asn, as_name, as_domain, as_type
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351.66 MB

CSV filesize






last updated

Privacy detection database

Quickly look up billions of suspicious IPs with the privacy detection database download. Use these downloads to develop threat intelligence, reduce advertising and gaming fraud, protect digital content, improve fraud risk models, and so much more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, hosting, proxy, tor, vpn, relay, service
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279.52 MB

MMDB filesize






last updated

Hosted domains database

Gain instant access to billions of hosted domains data with these downloadable insights. Use this information to enrich lead generation data, identify websites on the same hosting server that compromise infrastructure security, customize website appearances, and much more.

Included fields

$range, asns, count, domains
1.68 GB

CSV filesize






last updated

Abuse contact database

Gain immediate access to billions of abuse contact data with these downloadable insights. Use this information to build a foundation for legal action, research an IP attempting to access accounts, automate complaints to companies responsible for abusive IPs, and much more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, name, email, address, country, phone
348.07 MB

CSV filesize






last updated

IP to mobile carrier database

Quickly access billions of mobile carrier data with this downloadable dataset. Use these insights to personalize mobile website appearances, target ads and offers based on mobile users, and more.

Included fields

$start_ip, end_ip, name, country, mcc, mnc
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527.9 KB

JSON filesize






last updated

IP Whois Database Download

Gather immediate IP Whois context with accurate and easy-to-use data fields. Included are Point of Contact (POC), Organization Identifiers (ORG), Networks (NET), and more. We do the busy work by developing well-parsed insights for our users.

Included fields

$range, id, name, country, status, tech, maintainer, admin, source, whois_domain, updated, org, rdns_domain, domain, geoloc, org_address, asn, as_name, as_domain, as_type
338.45 MB

CSV filesize






last updated

Learn about our IP data

IP address data is only as valuable as it is usable. That's why IPinfo offers industry-leading IP information that prioritizes reliability, accuracy, and thoroughly vetted datasets.

Learn about IPinfo data

Custom database download subscriptions

For complex business needs

Choose and combine any datasets

  • IP to Geolocation database
  • ASN database
  • Privacy Detection database
  • Company database
  • Abuse Contact database
  • IP Ranges database (Country)
  • IP to Mobile Carrier database
  • IP Whois Database
  • Hosted Domains database
  • Residential Proxy database