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5 years ago by IPinfo Team 4 min read

Looking back at 2019 with IPinfo

Looking Back at 2019 with IPinfo

2019 brought huge changes to IPinfo as both an API provider and a remote team. It marked our sixth year in operation, and we shipped several new features and upgrades to the way we serve to you the most trustworthy and reliable IP address data.

Now that 2020 is upon us, let’s take a look back at some of our biggest changes from 2019.

API modules and trialing

In 2019, we unveiled our Features page. This page allows our users to activate free, seven-day trials for any of our paid APIs, as well as unlock instant access to any of these APIs at a monthly price.

This was a major step towards ensuring that our customers have access to the data they need at the lowest possible cost, and all it takes is the click of a button!

Batch API endpoint

Before the launch of our batch API endpoint in April, looking up 40 million domains with our API would have taken several hours. After, it’s been cut to around just 10 minutes.

Our batch API endpoint allows you to group up to 100 IPinfo API requests into one, regardless of what type of data you need. It will require you to POST a JSON array containing all of the IPinfo API URLs you want to pull data from, and the response will be a JSON object with the URLs as keys and responses as values.

Feel free to check out our documentation covering the endpoint here.

Tons of new data

Throughout the year, our engineers were busy putting together new sets of IP address data, made available through both our API and as downloadable sets. Here’s some of the data we added in 2019:

  • Timezone field: The timezone field was brought up to us as a suggestion from our customers, and it’s now part of our IP to Geolocation API. You can see it in action on the widget on our homepage.
  • RWHOIS and RIR WHOIS data: We began selling these two sets of data, downloadable in any format of your choice (e.g., CSV, JSON, MMDB). This data is hard to find elsewhere, and we’re really proud of putting it together!
  • IP Abuse API: Another hard-to-find set of data, our Abuse API offers the abuse contact information of every IP address on the Internet. This can be used to help take down malicious Web entities, research IP addresses attempting to access your personal accounts, and more.
  • rDNS data improvements: In a lengthy write-up published late last year, we detailed the steps taken to lower API latency from as extreme as 268ms all the way down to 5ms. This was a hugely successful project by our team, and we’d love if you read about it!

Request summary emails

Our request summary emails launched in February, and it has since been a great way for our customers to stay informed on how many requests are being made, as well as the demographics of their traffic.

On a configurable weekly or monthly basis, we now email customers information about their total API requests, top geolocations (both countries and cities), and top browsers.

Case studies and use case pages

In 2019, we made a big push for social proof and use case examples to help explain how IPinfo is the best IP address data provider for you and your business. Here are a few of the pages and studies we came up with:

  • Cybersecurity page: Cybersecurity is one of the industries we feel most connected to and passionate about, and our related use case page provides testimonials from some of our customers in the field. Be sure to check it out if you’re part of a business interested in building stronger security in 2020.
  • Bupa case study: Bupa has been using IPinfo’s Geolocation API to create a more personalized experience for its website’s users, including millions of customers. As one of the world’s largest healthcare companies, we’re thrilled to work with them.
  • GreyNoise Intelligence case study: GreyNoise has become recognized as the go-to Anti-Threat Intelligence source, providing ground truth on Internet-wide scan and attack activity for thousands of businesses and users. Partnered with them, we’ve provided ASN and Geolocation data since 2017.

Request limit increases

Until September of last year, our free plan was limited to 1,000 requests/day, and if you needed more than that, you’d need to upgrade to a paid plan. Since then, we’ve made our free plan even more powerful by raising authenticated usage to 50,000 requests/month.

However, we went even further by rolling out our new Credit Links program.

If you give IPinfo credit on your website or app by linking back to our homepage, we’ll double your free request limit to 100,000 requests/month. Just add the link and then submit it to our support team for verification. It’s that easy!

Thank You

Without people like you taking the time to read our blog and try out our services, IPinfo would not have had as successful of a year. It’s through the suggestions and feedback of our users that we make many of our most important changes, and we’d love for that to continue through 2020.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or other feedback that you’d like to share with our team, please feel free to do so.

The growing team at IPinfo hopes that everyone experienced a happy holiday season, and we’re excited to continue bringing the best IP address data and API to you in 2020!

IPinfo is a comprehensive IP address data and API provider with flexible pricing plans to meet your business needs. We handle billions of API requests per month, serving data like IP geolocation, VPN detection, Reverse IP, and more. Sign up for a free account or contact our team to learn more.

About the author

IPinfo Team

IPinfo Team

Internet Data Expert