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Bogon IP Address Ranges

Some IP addresses and IP ranges are reserved for special use, such as for local or private networks, and should not appear on the public internet. These reserved ranges, along with other IP ranges that haven't yet been allocated and therefore also shouldn't appear on the public internet are sometimes known as bogons.

Because bogon IP addresses don't belong to a specific user or server on the internet, so there's no way to geolocate them. Therefore our IP geolocation API won't return location information for IP addresses within bogon ranges, but it will return a bogon field to indicate that the IP address is a bogon.

IPv4 Bogon Ranges

Netblock Description "This" network Private-use networks Carrier-grade NAT Loopback Name collision occurrence Link local Private-use networks IETF protocol assignments TEST-NET-1 Private-use networks Network interconnect device benchmark testing TEST-NET-2 TEST-NET-3 Multicast Reserved for future use Limited broadcast

IPv6 Bogon Ranges

Netblock Description
::/128 Node-scope unicast unspecified address
::1/128 Node-scope unicast loopback address
::ffff:0:0/96 IPv4-mapped addresses
::/96 IPv4-compatible addresses
100::/64 Remotely triggered black hole addresses
2001:10::/28 Overlay routable cryptographic hash identifiers (ORCHID)
2001:db8::/32 Documentation prefix
fc00::/7 Unique local addresses (ULA)
fe80::/10 Link-local unicast
fec0::/10 Site-local unicast (deprecated)
ff00::/8 Multicast (Note: ff0e:/16 is global scope and may appear on the global internet.)

IPv6 Additional Bogon Ranges

These ranges aren't officially IPv6 bogon ranges - they're IPv6 representations of different IPv4 bogon ranges.

Netblock Description
2002::/24 6to4 bogon (
2002:a00::/24 6to4 bogon (
2002:7f00::/24 6to4 bogon (
2002:a9fe::/32 6to4 bogon (
2002:ac10::/28 6to4 bogon (
2002:c000::/40 6to4 bogon (
2002:c000:200::/40 6to4 bogon (
2002:c0a8::/32 6to4 bogon (
2002:c612::/31 6to4 bogon (
2002:c633:6400::/40 6to4 bogon (
2002:cb00:7100::/40 6to4 bogon (
2002:e000::/20 6to4 bogon (
2002:f000::/20 6to4 bogon (
2002:ffff:ffff::/48 6to4 bogon (
2001::/40 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:a00::/40 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:7f00::/40 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:a9fe::/48 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:ac10::/44 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:c000::/56 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:c000:200::/56 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:c0a8::/48 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:c612::/47 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:c633:6400::/56 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:cb00:7100::/56 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:e000::/36 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:f000::/36 Teredo bogon (
2001:0:ffff:ffff::/64 Teredo bogon (