IP to Geolocation Database

IP to Geolocation database provides geolocation information such as city, region/state, country, postal code, timezone, geographic coordinates (latitude & longitude) etc. identified from IP addresses.

Database Schema

IP Location database contains the following fields:

Field NameExampleData TypeDescription
start_ip1.253.242.0TEXTStarting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip1.253.242.255TEXTEnding IP address of an IP address range
join_key1.253.0.0TEXTSpecial variable to facilitate join operation
cityYangsanTEXTCity of the location
regionGyeongsangnam-doTEXTRegion of the location
countryKRTEXTISO 3166 country code
latitude35.34199FLOATLatitude value of the location
longitude129.03358FLOATLongitude value of the location
postal_code50593TEXTPostal code of the location
timezoneAsia/SeoulTEXTLocal time zone

We provide another variation of our database called the “Standard” database structure, which is available on request. The standard database contains the following fields:

Field NameExampleData TypeDescription
range2001:200:380::/41TEXTIP address range
cityYokohamaTEXTCity of the IP address range
countryJPTEXTCountry of the IP address range
geoname_id1848354INTEGERGeoname_id that corresponds to geonames.org databases
lat35.5354FLOATLatitude value of the location
lng139.5263FLOATLongitude value of the location
postal_code227-0052TEXTPostal code value of the location
regionKanagawaTEXTRegion of the IP address range
region_code14TEXTRegion code associated with geonames.org databases
timezoneAsia/TokyoTEXTTimezone of the location

Sample Databases

A screen image showing the table provided by our IP Geolocation Database Download