IP Ranges Developer Resource

Available in: Enterprise

Our IP address ranges API returns a list of all of the IP addresses ranges assigned to or operated by a company, identified by the provided domain name.

curl https://ipinfo.io/ranges/nytimes.com?token=$TOKEN
  "domain": "nytimes.com",
  "redirects_to": null,
  "num_ranges": 24,
  "ranges": [

Even though the foundational data of the IP ranges API is based on the IP to Company Database, the API accepts domain inputs that ultimately resolve to an organization's domain. The target domain that the input domain redirects to is mentioned in the redirects_to key.

curl https://ipinfo.io/ranges/times.com?token=$TOKEN
  "domain": "times.com",
  "redirects_to": "nytimes.com",
  "num_ranges": 24,
  "ranges": [