IP Whois API

IPinfo's IP Whois API offers user-friendly, well-parsed data pulled daily from Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) around the world. We process this data to ensure that the format and structure of the entire dataset is consistent, then provide easy integration options, allowing our users to focus on what matters most for their businesses.

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    IP Whois API Product Overview

    Our Whois API provides records with accurate and easy-to-use data fields that include:

    Point of Contact (POC): Identify the contact information for the party responsible for administrative, technical, or abuse-related issues associated with the domain or network.

    Organization Identifiers (ORG): Find out the names of network-related entities, their ASNs and IDs, registration dates, and more, in order to track ownership and management.

    Networks (NET): Gain details about who owns and manages specific IP ranges, helping to identify the organization responsible for certain network activities or infrastructure.

    IP Whois API Use Cases

    If you're looking to gather information for market research, cybersecurity, or domain management, our API simplifies Whois data extraction and makes it accessible. That data includes essential information about domain ownership, registration history, and technical contacts. Our commitment to precision ensures that the data you receive is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date.

    Identify domain ownership information

    Gain detailed information about the individuals or organizations that have registered a domain name, including names and contact information, with the domain Whois API.

    Conduct threat analysis

    Enrich your IoCs (indicators of compromise) and detect malicious activity with the cybersecurity Whois API, including identifying new domain registrations or changes in data to detect early signs of threats like phishing.

    Prevent fraudulent traffic

    Collect evidence of suspicious activities, such as the reuse of registrant information across multiple fraudulent domains using the IP information API, before launching official investigations.

    Improve modeling tools for fraud detection

    Integrate Whois data into machine learning models to flag patterns and enhance accuracy in identifying, tracking, and predicting potential fraudulent behaviors in real time.

    Protect your brand

    Monitor domain registration data for infringement on trademarks, such as look-alike or typo-squatted domains, and detect potential phishing campaigns that target customers.

    Enrich data and understand domain history

    Use the Whois data API to pinpoint better leads, create market forecasts, target new opportunities, and adjust strategies based on domain history.

    Stay ahead of competitors

    Trace opportunities for growth by tracking new domain acquisitions, changes in ownership, and registration patterns of competitors, to identify new product launches or expansions into new markets.

    Get Started With IPinfo’s IP Whois API

    Getting started with IPinfo's Whois API is quick and easy. Our developer-friendly approach ensures a smooth integration process, allowing you to harness the power of IP Whois data for developers in no time.

    Sign up for a free API key and explore our comprehensive documentation. This gives access to not just Whois data, but our IP geolocation API, as well. Once your free account is set up, test the API with our user-friendly console.

    Want to leverage the power of raw datasets? Try our downloadable database.

    Our database downloads contain the same accurate IP address information available with our APIs. These downloads are available in any format (eg. CSV, JSON, MMBD) with additional options to customize the fields.

    Made for developers, Trusted by enterprises

    Our database is built, maintained, and supported by our in-house team of developers and engineers. These data experts are ready to troubleshoot problems, build unique use cases, and create additional enterprise solutions.


    I can infer that IPinfo is doing much more than just taking at face value what public registries are providing. For example, they’re looking at domain name ownership within those IP ranges to infer asset ownership. This is the same way I’d approach this problem.

    Jeremy Turner

    Head of Cyber and Risk, Colgility


    We needed to further contextualize Internet scanners, crawlers, and bots. Origin networks, data centers, ASNs, and countries are a huge component of that. We were looking for a faster, more developer-friendly alternative to existing geo-IP providers. A close friend of mine hit the IPinfo API with cURL, and I saw all the information we needed.

    Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris

    Founder & Chief Architect


    We love to integrate with the IPinfo API because it provides us with a highly reliable and accurate stream of data.

    Richard Wells

    Richard Wells

    Director, CFC


    I can infer that IPinfo is doing much more than just taking at face value what public registries are providing. For example, they’re looking at domain name ownership within those IP ranges to infer asset ownership. This is the same way I’d approach this problem.

    Jeremy Turner

    Head of Cyber and Risk, Colgility


    We needed to further contextualize Internet scanners, crawlers, and bots. Origin networks, data centers, ASNs, and countries are a huge component of that. We were looking for a faster, more developer-friendly alternative to existing geo-IP providers. A close friend of mine hit the IPinfo API with cURL, and I saw all the information we needed.

    Andrew Morris

    Andrew Morris

    Founder & Chief Architect

    • Google Cloud
    • Zapier
    • Snowflake
    • Wordpress
    • Splunk
    • Palo Alto Networks
    • Heroku
    • Datadog

    Supports Integrations

    Our API integrations merge the power of IPinfo’s proprietary IP address database with other industry-leading platforms. Use your IP Whois data at scale with our supported integrations, such as Snowflake, Splunk, Maltego, and beyond.

    • PHP
    • Spring
    • Python
    • Django
    • Java
    • Laravel
    • Node.js
    • C#
    • Express
    • Go
    • Ruby
    • Rails
    • Swift
    • Rust
    • Perl
    • Erlang

    Official Libraries

    We offer libraries for the most commonly used programming languages and frameworks. Check out our documentation to facilitate easier setup.