AS number details


Renater  ·

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AS1945 – Renater

Field Value
Country France
Hosted domains 78
Number of IPv4 197,120
Number of IPv6 0
ASN type Education
Registry ripe
Allocated 22 years ago on Aug 21, 2002
Updated 5 years ago on Jun 24, 2019
Netblock Company Num of IPs Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon 65,536 Ecole Centrale de Lyon 65,536 Universite Lumiere 65,536 Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon 256 Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon 256

There are no known IPv6 addresses belonging to this network

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WHOIS Details

ASHandle:       AS1945
OrgID:          AS1945
ASName:         AS1945
ASNumber:       AS1945
RegDate:        0000-00-00
Updated:        0000-00-00
TechHandle:     AA00-AAAA
Source:         AAAA

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Hosted Domains

There are 78 domain names hosted across 37 IP addresses on this ASN.

IP Address Domain Domains on this IP ██████████ 10 ██████████ 8 ██████████ 6 ██████████ 5 ██████████ 5 ██████████ 4 ███████ 3 ██████████ 3 ██████████ 3 ██████████ 2

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There are 2 peers for this ASN.

Peers Name
AS2060 Renater
AS2200 Renater
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.


There is 1 peer for this ASN.

upstreams Name
AS2200 Renater
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.


There is 1 peer for this ASN.

Downstreams Name
AS2060 Renater
Get this data and more insights on related domains, allocation dates, registry names, IP counts with IPinfo's IP-to-ASN product.

Related Networks

What is an ASN?

Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are assigned to entities such as Internet Service Providers and other large organizations that control blocks of IP addresses. This network page, and the organization field that's shown on the main IP address information page and also returned in the geolocation API are based on the ASN.

The ASN details will often correspond to the IP address owner, but for smaller organizations it may be that organization's parent, or their ISP. Find out more about AS1945 at robtex.

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